Activists at Akshargyan contributes to the society by imparting free education to the children who cannot afford high fee taken by the Coaching Centers. In addition to facilitating free education, Akshargyan also conducts Clothes and Books drives in order to provide fundamental human needs to them. At Akshargyan, we basically do surveys for children who can’t afford money to learn basic education. Also, we motivate their parents to educate their children and tell them about the advantages of Education. This Non-Profit Organization works relentlessly for six days in a week, out of which five days are reserved for study and one day for sports. So, the Committee not only focuses on Study but also keeps in mind the all-round development of these children. On a regular day, prayer and physical exercises are conducted at the starting and then teachers teach them according to their scheduled hours.
The Teachers are the College Students who voluntarily give their time to make a difference in the Society. Festivals that are the backbone of unity, tradition and culture are also celebrated here. Festivals like Holi, Dussehra, Diwali, Republic Day, etc. are celebrated here.